Saturday, January 9, 2010

This was dinner for tonight...Tbone steak...they were on sale...along with Broccoli and cheese and potatos and macaroni...yum...I love coming over to my parents house and eating their delicious food.

This was the corn we had cooked last night. Looked at the stem man...all wrapped up it looked like one long deformed piece of corn and then this is what we find...a handle lol

Friday, January 8, 2010

This is from last night on 01-07-09...It's a picture of wal-mart cause that's where my bf works and I have to go and pick him up almost there you have it.




Catching up on the photos that i have taken and haven't been able to upload. The first one is my son and his daddy watching Wrestling together every monday night. It was so messed up what happened last week...with John Cena and that irish dude. So wanted John Cena to get the champion belt back. But oh well..he will eventually.

The second one is Donnie playing on the floor with a few of his toys. I love watching him play.
And the thrid one is my stepmom and me feeding Donnie on wednesday he sure does love those bananas.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

my newest addiction for now. it's a game on facebook called cafe I found the games on there finally.'s sunday and I made it to church.yay me..hopefully I can keep it up and keep making to to church

Saturday, January 2, 2010

It was another interesting day...first i get a phone call from my aunt asking to "Burrow your car for a few hours" I would lend out my car to anyone then I find out that she her boyfriend was going to be with her...note no one in this family likes her that was a hell no as soon as I found out...did drive them around town it's not like i told them no completely. but the day ended on a happy to spend time with my man on his lunch break and then come to my parents house and watch my son chill out with his uncle...that's them together in the picture.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The yearly dnner item for January 1st ....Blackeyed Peas. It's tradition to eat blacked eye peas in my family...they say it's suppose to bring you good luck through the year. Though every year seems to turn out the same for me so I'm just going to try something different and go without the blackeyed peas and see what happens.